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When looking for a hormone test, many people assume it to be a simple dichotomy of saliva or blood tests, achat steroide arimidex 1 maha pharma.. Tren is the Nandrolone hormone possessing a double bond at carbons 9 and 11. These double bonds slow the hormone s metabolism, inhibit aromatization and tremendously enhance its binding affinity to the androgen receptor, achat steroide arimidex 1 maha pharma. These simple yet important changes make Tren one of the most powerful anabolic androgenic steroids of all time. For an appreciation of this steroid s power we only need to look at its ratings; Tren carries an anabolic rating of 500 and androgenic rating of 500 compared to testosterone that s 100 in both categories. Regardless of the form of Tren used the hormone itself is the same.

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